In August of 2014 at the Abbotsford Airshow, JetFlix TV’s Henry Tenby joined along with other aviation media members for a joy ride on the Pan American liveried Douglas DC-3 owned by John Sessions’ Historical Flight Foundation of Everett, Washington.
We were taken on a local area low-level sight-seeing flight aboard the lovingly restored classic DC-3 propliner, which had recently come out of overhaul and restoration at Campbell River, on Vancouver Island. John Sessions was at the controls of the DC-3 during this special flight, and he even came back into the cabin during the flight to have a few words with us about his historic aircraft.
During the flight we flew east from Abbotsford towards Harrison Lake in the lower maniland’s Fraser Valley. It was a crystal clear day and the mountains were spectacular. It was an amazing day for a DC-3 flight, as you will see by watching this video, which is a shortened preview of the full version of the film which is available for viewing by JetFlix TV members. You can join JetFlix TV by clicking here.