Topic: Sneak Previews

Vancouver YVR Spotting Action – Super Windy now streaming on JetFlix TV

Vancouver YVR Spotting Action - Super Windy now streaming on JetFlix TV

Watch the teaser video above or CLICK HERE to join JetFlix TV for as little as $1.99/month and view the whole show. JetFlix videographer Henry Tenby filmed the action at YVR from the South Terminal observation deck in February of 2021, during the middle of the pandemic. It was an extremely windy time at the …Read more »

Model Moment with Henry Tenby – Russian Beauties Now Streams on JetFlix TV

Model Moment with Henry Tenby I Russian Beauties Part 2 Модели самолетов России и Советского Союза

Watch the teaser video above or CLICK HERE to join JetFlix TV for as little as $1.99/month and view the whole show. Как коллекционер, я стремлюсь приобрести профессиональные модели самолетов советских и советских времен, как показано в этом видео. Если у вас есть в продаже такие модели, напишите мне, комментируя это видео. Генри Тенби – …Read more »