Here at JetFlix TV, we have a very simple Privacy Policy.
We do not sell or share any information of any nature to any third parties.
Of course we can contact you with news, information, and special promotional offers related to our service. But you always have the option to opt-out from receiving these messages at any time.
Whether you want to hear from us is entirely in your hands as each email we send contains a link to opt out and stop our promotional emails from reaching you.
Now we can present the legal mumbo jumbo version of our Privacy Policy:
The information JetFlix TV collects from you helps us better serve and protect our mobile community. We receive and store the following information that you enter into the app about yourself: your name and email address.
You recommend you provide us with accurate and up-to-date information. We use the information that you provide for such purpose as responding to customer service inquiries, improving our service, and communicating with you.
We will only release data when we believe the release is appropriate to comply with the law, and to protect the contract rights of our users and service suppliers.
Third Party Marketing: Other than detailed above, we will never share your personal information and/or contact details with third party marketers. We do not use or support the use of spam and the sending of unsolicited email in any form. We hate spam just as much as you do.
You may wish to delete our app from your devices, and you can deactivate your account. However, all account information for app users whose accounts have been suspended, closed, and/or deactivated will be maintained in our database and security systems in perpetuity for the protection of our clients, users, employees, shareholders and service providers.
Any issue respecting your privacy may be directed to us by email to support at thealtitudeapp dot com or via snail mail to:
Privacy Officer / JetFlix TV, 5220 Dunbar Street, Vancouver, BC, V6N 1V9, Canada